There is Little Difference Between Art and Spiritual Practice

One of the most eye-opening experience during this year was leading a five-day Masculine Embodiment Workshop and then traveling to direct a play.

What made both of these experiences so rewarding was the fact that there was little difference in how I approached each challenge. The art needed diligent planning and meticulous preparation, much like the training I’ve had in ten years’ experience of men’s work.  

When I was with the men for the final workshop, there were many shifts and setbacks. We had to be nimble and creative to solve the problems. It stayed light and alive because all my theatre training taught me to make art out of whatever was occurring.  

Being able to embody depth while staying light on our feet takes time and practice. It requires daily discipline and ethics to allow the work into our systems. Whether learning lines or learning a new breath practice – we must continue to challenge ourselves and face challenges with an open heart.

This is why I built the Creative Masculine Leadership Program. To help men build their lives with integrity, support, humor, and vulnerability. 

As we can see the film industry is constantly trying to disempower artists – it is essential that artists have their own backbone as they stand for their worth and truth.

Seeing the men in this program step, year after year, into a fully realized vision is one most gratifying experiences. Because being seen and putting yourself out into the world with a unique voice takes an immense amount of courage.  

This is what we will be venturing into again this year, and I couldn’t be more thrilled.

This year, now being offered in its fourth year, The Creative Masculine Leadership Program will begin to offer a progression for cohort members to build on their experiences each year.

First-year members will learn the fundamentals of men’s work; second-year members will receive hands-on experience mentoring and leading, and third-year members will practice facilitation and work to develop a fully-realized creative project.

I am truly honored to announce this year’s cohort, to lead and challenge another group of extraordinary men to the next level of showing up fully for the potential of their lives.