You Need to Become to Overcome

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

I often say this Carl Jung quote to my clients but it’s more than a philosophical catchphrase. What has come in this next evolution of work is the very practical truth that integrating our “darkness” or “shadow” actually enriches and deepens our lives and experiences.

When we deny that we are angry, jealous, bitter, or resentful, it leaks out in passive and destructive ways.

Conversely, when we are able to breathe, open, and share our shadowy parts in a safe container they become massive sources of power in our daily lives. The more we feel safe and healthy in our difficult feelings, the more patience and compassion will emanate from our behavior.

The more we allow fear to move through our physical instrument the more courage we can harness. The more we admit when we are withholding and being dishonest the more trustable we become.

Why I love the bridge between artistry/acting and life mastery is that we get embody these large, universal archetypal feelings and harness them. The less we are alone and the more connected we truly are! Loving our darkness makes us more empathetic to both ourselves and the world and as a brilliant result, I have noticed that the art is better and life feels more realized.

This work has taught me that the gift truly is in the wound. And it is my responsibility to do the work to continue to heal, grow, and lead the lovely mess we are into creative mastery!