Creative Mastery Blog

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Loss of Voice

Have you ever felt talked over? Or misunderstood? Do you worry you’re not advocating for yourself? Are you experiencing stage fright? Do you obsess over


The Importance of Voicework

I grew up a small kid. Like one of those who didn’t break 5 feet until 10th grade. But like any other person growing up,


Introducing The Empowered Voice

Ever so fittingly, just as we were preparing to announce my upcoming voice programming, I was asked the cardinal question, the end-all-be-all: Why am I


The Life of an Artist

My perception of living as an artist has changed greatly over the years. When you are first bitten by the bug that you know you will pursue


Men, Masculinity, and Grief

During last year’s men’s group, grief was one of the central and deepest themes for everyone who participated. Quite a few of the men lost


The Shadow Magician

A note from Jamie: This entry is part of a series, called King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: An Introduction to the Mature, Masculine Archetypes. As I welcome